Crooked Colours have consistently smashed out hit after hit across the last few months, showcasing an ever growing polish in their output both musically and melodically, all while leading up to a highly anticipated new album which has just graced our hearts in ‘Tomorrows’, a thirteen track offering filled with uplifting grooves that are sure to get you moving instantly.

With previous singles “Feel It,” “Light Year (Feat. Masked Wolf & Jasiah),” “No Sleep,” “Falling,” “Love Language,” and “Holiday,” Crooked Colours unearth seven previously unheard tracks which continue the addictiveness that its predecessors have begun. Throughout ‘Tomorrows’, we experience a concise and clear objective of ensuring a darkened colour palate with the instrumentation all whilst contrasting with a buoyant tempo in the rhythm section that lures you in immediately. Crooked Colours find a way to showcase their fast-paced growth in each and every individual offering, all while remaining true to their trademark style of those hazy melodies scattered across the top of the mix alongside the charismatic guitar licks and enforcing synth bass that drives home that effortless groove we’ve come to know and love with the trio.

“This was an album created during very testing times for us as a group. We started the writing process coming off the back of really great momentum following the success of our sophomore record Langata. With solid progress overseas after a run of international tours and festivals, we inked a deal with Atlantic Records and had everything mapped out when the rug was pulled from underneath us as the reality of the pandemic hit. We have always generated so much inspiration from performing live to our fans so we worried how this record may translate without having that energy to draw from.  We bunkered down in our studio in Fremantle and focused on what we could control and that was writing and recording as much music as we could. It became a long process for us as we battled with the reality around us, not knowing what lay ahead while maintaining a creative output.” – CROOKED COLOURS

out now via: Sweat It Out
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