Major Lazer and Showtek released a powerful music video to their track ‘Believer’ this week, and considering I just got back from a two week trip to the Middle East, I feel like I connect with it just that little bit more.

Directed by Christopher Louie, this video cuts beautifully between cinematic and home video style footage. While insight into what life is like for kids in torn up parts of the Middle East is shown, there’s also a fantasy aspect to it as well. In fact, it’s very ‘Stranger Things’-esque with some scary creature coming out of the bedroom wall and chasing this kid around the village.

The video was inspired by photos of real life events and follows the torments of a young boy in a fairly poor part of town. But, while the intense storyline captivates you and has this sense of urgency, there is a kind of beauty within it. As Louie explains, it is about hope.

“The concept of the video was inspired by the images of Omran Daqneesh, the Syrian boy covered in dust in the ambulance after his house was hit by a bomb. Like everyone in the world, I was heartbroken by that image. But I also saw a glimmer of hope. As dark as the subject matter is, the point of our ‘Believer’ video was to capture the resilience of youth and the hope displayed by communities coming together to save victims from the rubble.”

Filming in the Middle East always makes for incredible footage and the shots taken in this video are stunning, what with the beautiful landscapes and images of joy from local children. However, to capture all of this wasn’t as easy as we may think.

“If it wasn’t for the support from Sjoerd of Showtek and guidance from Major Lazer and their team, this video would not have turned out as emotionally powerful as it has. They supported us going to the Middle East, shooting with all local cast and crew, and keeping it as authentic as possible. There were countless obstacles that go along with shooting in an unfamiliar country, but with the help of the local film community, we got through them all and created something special in the process.”

I love music with a purpose and this is one of those moments where art and creativity share a higher power. Showtek says that, “Not every child grows up under the best circumstances. This video is meant to raise awareness to those less fortunate than us. Children are the next generation; they are the future.”

If this doesn’t pull at your heart strings then I don’t know what will. Essentially, the purpose of the ‘Believer’ video is to encourage fans to provide relief to children affected by the conflict in Syria and donate to Syrian Children’s Relief Fund.

If on your list of goals for 2017 is a note about donating more, then here is your chance. I love it when music and charity come together. Do you part my friends.

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author: Kara Bertoncini

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