Close Counters – ‘REFRACTIONS EP’
After months of teasing Close Counters are finally giving us their brand-new ep "REFRACTIONS"
After months of teasing Close Counters are finally giving us their brand-new ep "REFRACTIONS"
We caught Close Counters at BIGSOUND and their high energy & enthusiasm made the performance all the more alluring.
Close Counters are taking their show on the road across Australia throughout September, and they're kicking it all off at BIGSOUND 2019!
Australian duo Close Counters team up with Laneous with another impressive blend of electronic/funk.
Midnight Pool Party give us another taste of their upcoming ep, this one featuring a little key-solo from Close Counters!
We’ve got your Monday covered with a fresh batch of all-new tunes via Spotify & Apple Music!
Close Counters have a deliciously tasty treat for your eyes & ears!
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.
Close Counters team up with Exist Recordings and give us a sexy new track featuring Au Dré.
It’s time to switch the pace to groove and bust out some of our finest dance moves!
Ahhhhh, those Friday feels.
Everyone gear up and climb aboard the Soulacoasta with Close Counters; strap yourself in an feel the funk!
Let's switch the pace to groove with Close Counters x Roy Ayers, LCAW & WhoMadeWho, Vasta x Xains, Yuksek x France Gall
featuring: Close Counters, Mark Maxwell, Motez, The Aston Shuffle and George Kwali
I made you a mixtape