Taka Perry & Leon Fanourakis – ‘Express’

Taka Perry and Hip-Hop/Rap artist Leon Fanourakis combine forces for one menacing collaboration titled ‘Express’, a dark and murky offering filled with swift lyricism and swirling instrumentation that commands your attention from the get go.

‘Express’ hypnotises you from the beginning with that swirling pattern held in the backdrop of the release, all while those powerful vocals smack you across the face with their force and are matched in intensity by the emphatic foundations set in the booming bass line and crisp beats on offer. With all of this power on offer, Perry and Fanourakis bring a considerable amount of heat and energy within a swift duration that wastes no time and leaves you mesmerised.

…we’d collected a lot of great demos, so we decided we should just drop a whole record together – Taka Perry