Rejjie Snow – Keep Up / All Night

The good times keep rolling on this Friday with Rejjie Snow with two stunning new singles in ‘Keep Up’ and ‘All Night’, two sublime cuts that ooze charisma and freshness with their breezy groove throughout.

‘Keep Up’ sees Snow team up with Kaytranada which appears to be a flawless production base with sublime instrumentation creating a glowing warmth throughout that sets the scene for those pristine vocals to shine. As we progress into ‘All Night’, we see the crunchy percussion shine amongst the luscious keys and vocals that create a smooth groove and flow that is the perfect level up for all listening.

“It feels like a nice time in my universe to put out these creations. For me it’s all about timing & as much as music is a giant repetitive cycle im super certain that some artists must not focus on churning out stuff rapidly but allow for time and growth to take course especially in ones craft, it’s more important than you think to be fully satisfied with that final product you’re gonna put out, especially in the face of critique.

This next run is a celebration to all things I’ve learnt and the discipline, gratitude I’ve gained in other areas finally being put where it matters the most, the music.”