Jerome Blazé – Emerge (For Sarah)

With his sophomore album getting closer and closer to it’s release, Sydney multi-instrumentalist Jerome Blazé continues to bring us some of the most gorgeous soundscapes we’ve come across this year with the final glimpse being ‘Emerge (For Sarah’, a captivating release filled with raw beauty within its instrumentation that’ll leave you in awe.

In true Jerome Blazé fashion, we see a plethora of influence that is jam-packed into an effortless production base that showcases the true artistry within the duration of the release. ‘Emerge (For Sarah)’ hooks you in from the second it starts with a divine feeling across the soundscape through the beautiful use of pianos and brittle percussion that sets the scene, right before the gentle vocals enter the arena and send goosebumps down your arms.

With the horns coming to the party to add that further layer of depth, this release goes to show there is nothing that Jerome Blazé cannot do and we are that much more excited for his sophomore album to release!