Over the last few months Australian producer 44 Ardent has given us a tidy collection of five stand-alone singles that has had him experimenting with a variety of different sounds and ideas as he continues to explore ways to capture certain feelings or emotions within his production.

He’s coming back to us this week with his next offering ‘evergreen’, which he says;

evergreen’ is meant to sound like pure joy, mixed in with a bit of nostalgia. I wanted to capture the feeling of running around in the forest as a child, or going on a hike with your friends, or a road-trip to a quiet beach.This wasn’t actually the song I was planning to put out next, I only came up with the piano riff about a week ago. The rest of the song came so easily and naturally, so I decided to put it out straight away rather than spending ages agonising over tiny mix details. Sometimes it’s better to just go with your original idea rather than overthinking..” ~ 44 Ardent

promoted by Mammal Sounds

out now via: Mammal Sounds Records
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