Los Angeles artist Shallou has had a pretty good run over the last 12 months or so, and this week it all comes to a climax as he reveals his latest (and maybe greatest) ‘Souls’ ep, and we were able to get some time with him to ask where his passion for music all began….

“For a long time growing up, I was perfectly happy just nodding along to whatever my parents played in the car, not really sure what music was or who was making it, only recognizing the cover art that looked the coolest to me. When I was around 7 or 8, my music taste started to develop around my peers at school, and at the time American Idiot by Green Day was the huge CD. I was too timid to ask for that as my first CD because of the curse words, so instead I scoured through my brother’s huge CD collection, following the rule of choosing what cover art I thought was the coolest at the time.

The first CD I permanently moved to my room (without him noticing) and began to call my own was The Bends by Radiohead. The bizarre 3D mannequin on the front of it scared me a lot but I thought it was the coolest thing. High and Dry was so beautiful to me at the time but I had no idea why. I was way too young to be sad so I just listened to the happy sounding songs. Later I would come to realize that those early memories and melodies of Radiohead songs would influence everything about my music, including wanting to get involved with it in the first place. I eventually got super into punk and metal once I hit puberty. Radiohead changed their sound a ton so I sort of lost interest in it being that young.

They went on to make the absolute greatest records by a band ever, and when I was late into high school I got back into them. Also, as soon as I realized I didn’t have the chops to be a metal guitarist, I needed a fallback.The record itself is totally different from the sound I’ve cultivated for myself, but I still find myself in sessions wondering how Thom Yorke would write a melody to whatever I was working on. If you’ve never listened to the band before its a pretty tame, straightforward introduction to the band.”

I’m sure we all have some fond memories growing up to the sounds of Radiohead, so let’s step back to 1992 and lose ourselves in the sounds of ‘High and Dry’, before treating ourselves to Shallou’s brand new ep.

Stream/Buy: All Points / Sleeptalker
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