Maribou State will be giving us a new album titled “Hallucinating Love” on January 31st (presave), but they’re continuing the anticipation-build this week with another little teaser called ‘All I Need’, which has them teaming up with UK artist Andreya Triana, who’s soulful voice add so much warmth to this already captivating song.
“On Hallucinating Love we made a conscious effort to stop using garage-style vocals, so used some Andreya Triana samples, and then did a session with her where we recorded them. We’d wanted to work with Andreya for ages and played her a few ideas. The one she went for was ‘All I Need.’ And we were like, by the way, that’s you on the chorus, doing the vocals, which she loved. She ended up doing the verse vocals for it as well so it became a whole Andreya tune where she’s effectively duetting with herself. At the time we were heavily referencing Aphex Twin with the drums being hip-hoppy but also having this glitchiness to them, but the Andreya sample gives it this big 80s-style chorus.” ~ Maribou State
North American fans can catch Maribou State doing their thing live throughout April/May as they take the new album on tour, and you can check out those dates below then click here for all ticketing info.