Baths recently announced he will be giving us a new album in February titled “Gut” (pre-order here), and this week he’s giving us another little taste of what we can expect with new single ‘Eden’, which also comes with news of a huge North American & UK/EU tour that will be taking place throughout March/May.
“Sometimes, amidst all my misgivings and self-flagellation, sex can be perfect. “Eden” revels in the joy of my own insatiable sexual appetite and constant search for gratification. It is a reversal, finding god in the body, here on earth. In it, I demand that heaven come down to me, meet me on my terms, and “drink” of me — not unlike a catholic congregation is instructed to drink the blood of Christ in the eucharist. “Slip into my ellipsis” is a demand for the powers that be to share in my erotic fervor, in the feeling that is the closest I get in my adult life to a religious experience. Subsequently, the way that feeling affects me in a broader sense is when the rest of Gut comes into focus.” ~ Baths