MarMar – Stay (feat. arnii)

Feeling inspired by the reception to his recently released “Feel Okay EP”, American/French producer MarMar immediately began working on a bunch of new music and already has a nice collection of songs ready to start sharing with us very soon.

MarMar is kicking that off this week with a stunning new single called ‘Stay’, which he personally feels is one of the best instrumentals he has written in a while. ‘Stay’ also has him working with Australian artist arnii who has helped take the song to all new levels with her gorgeous voice and captivating lyricism.

MarMar reveals; “Stay is one of my favourite instrumentals I’ve made in a while. It’s definitely a step outside what I’ve been making recently. I wrote the idea based off this detuned monochord concept I’ve been inspired by this year, and then sent it over to arnii to write a story around it. We wanted to tell a tale about wishing someone would Stay in your life, even when things feel too complicated to continue.”

arnii adds;Stay is a song about the process of falling out of love and missing someone even though you know they’re no good for you. It’s about all the pieces that make up a person and the strange parts that you miss when you’re not together anymore.”

out now via: MarMar
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