Premier showcasing event and mass gathering of the great minds in music, BIGSOUND, today reveals its full showcase, conference and special events schedule. The 2023 event stamps its mark as the place to create change and celebrate the future of the Australian music industry, with a multi-faceted program of discovery, networking and professional development set to take place from 5-8 September in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley.
Already stacked with huge names like Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park), Christine Anu and Omar Grant (ROC Nation), BIGSOUND has added over 50 new speakers and deal-brokers, alongside the full showcase timetable and special event program. In 2023 the conference returns to its spiritual home, Judith Wright Arts Centre (JWAC) on Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, where the speaking events will be held. Following redevelopment in 2019, as one of Queensland’s most dynamic arts organisations, JWAC is once again ready to swing open its to the hustle of hungry music minds.
Hundreds of incomers will gain knowledge from across the musical spectrum at BIGSOUND’s speaker events, with one of the most insightful to be from rock music legend Mike Shinoda, who will sit down with Rolling Stone AU/NZ Editor-In-Chief Poppy Reid, for the opening Keynote on Tuesday afternoon. Pivoting from punk legend with her band Camp Cope to critically acclaimed solo pop star, Georgia Maq has a lot to say about her experiences as a woman in Australian rock and an outspoken advocate for gender rights. From another end of the spectrum comes Casey O’Shaughnessy, one of the country’s most in-demand Senior Agents at Select Music, who’ll be in conversation with none other than Super Duper Founder Genna Alexopoulos.
Bringing their unique lived experiences of the elements that make the modern music industry are Bic Runga in-conversation with Leah Flannagan on Reclaiming Cultural Identity Through Music, Alex the Astronaut on Great Minds Think Differently – Neurodiversity In Music and Ash Stahl (Flight House) discussing Digital Marketing in the TikTok Era. In a special shared Keynote presentation on the Wednesday, nine industry innovators including David Telfer (DMT Law Firm), Simone Schinkel (Music Victoria) and Susan Cotchin (Good Neighbour Rights) will come together to look to the future of the music industry and offer ideas with big impact.
Want to ‘sync’ your teeth into the world of music on TV, film and video games? The Syncposium – Breaking Into Music For Screens masterclass, featuring Omar Grant and Karen Rachtman, will tell you everything you need to know to make your way to the silver screen. Forums Oh Hai – Let’s Talk About AI featuring Hazel Savage (Soundcloud, VP, Music Intelligence), Paige X. Cho and Dean Ormston (APRA AMCOS) and Flip It Reverse It: Adaptive Entrepreneurialism in Music with Scott Cohen (JKBX), Heidi Lenffer and Zac Abroms (Viceroyalty) will touch on all of the hottest topics in the world of music right now, and offer collaborative insight into what comes next.
In addition to an epic speaker line-up and over 150 acts across three nights of new music discovery and more, BIGSOUND has a few more surprises in store!
BIGSOUND Festival Lineup:
1tbsp (Artist)
Aarti Desai (The Push)
Adam Ryan (The Great Escape)
Adrian Collette OAM (Creative Australia)
Alethea Beetson (Blak Social)
Alex The Astronaut (Artist)
Alexandra Idiart-Benavides (The Vault)
Alicia Sbrugnera (Spotify)
Andrew Stone (Chugg Music / City Pop Records)
Andy Kalyvas (Netflix)
Anna Lunoe (Artist)
Annabelle Herd (ARIA / PPCA)
Antony Attridge (Burn Gently)
Ash King (Support Act)
Ash Stahl (Flightless)
Ash McGregor (triple j)
Beccy Cole (Artist)
Brittany Spanos (Rolling Stone)
Brodie Lancaster (Journalist)
Cabrea Casey (Downtown Music)
Caitlin Ballard (ATC)
Cameron Kaiser (CAA)
Carlo Scarampi (Communion Music)
Carol Dunn (Human Worldwide)
Casey O’Shaughnessy (Select)
Catherine Strong (RMIT)
Chloe Pean (AEG Presents)
Chris Brearley (Greyline Touring / School Night)
Chris Duncan (The Orchard)
Chris O’Neill (APRA AMCOS)
Chris Vaughan (TikTok)
Christiaan Kröner (FUGA / Downtown)
Christine Anu (Artist)
Cora Chan (Cockenflap Festival)
Darren Levin (Bolster Group)
David Morgan (Lemontree Music)
David Telfer (DMT Law Firm)
Dean Ormston (APRA AMCOS)
Dev Sherlock (SXSW)
Dom Alessio (Sounds Australia)
Ed Lilo (Festival Republic)
Edwina Flock (Environmental Music Prize)
Eli Gelernter (Wasserman)
Emma Bosworth (Green Music Australia)
Francesca Caldara (UNIFIED Music Group)
Genna Alexopoulos (Super Duper)
Georgia Maq (Artist)
Hallie Anderson (Rareform)
Hazel Savage (Soundcloud)
Heidi Lenffer (FEAT)
Ian Haug (Artist)
Jackie Palazzolo (Riot Games)
Jaclyn Ulman (Grandstand Media)
Jacob Daneman (Pitch Perfect PR)
Jamie Shaughnessy (CAA)
Jess Keeley (Wonderlick Entertainment)
Jocelyn Brewer (Velocity&Volition)
Joff Bush (Composer)
Jule Konrad (FMLY)
Karina Hogan (Journalist)
Karyn Rachtman (Mind Your Music)
Kate English (Parallel Lines)
Kate Miller-Heidke (Artist)
Kathy Wilson (Suitcase Records)
Kavisha Kuruk (White Sky)
Kylie Davies (Newmarket Collective)
Leah Flannagan (NATSIMO)
Lee Kirby (White Sky)
Leigh Treweek (Handshake Management)
Louisa Robinson (Form Presents)
Luke Girgis (The Brag Media)
Luke O’Connor (UNIFIED Music Group)
Luke Pearson (IndigenousX)
Martin Leahy (White Sky)
Matt Bird (White Sky)
Matt Hanner (Runaway Artists)
Matthew Rogers (UNIFIED Music Group)
Michael Christidis (Untitled Group)
Michele Ronzon (Interscope)
Michelle Lucia (Live Nation)
Mike Shinoda (Artist)
Mikey Cahill (Journalist)
Mo’Ju (Artist)
Omar Grant (ROC Nation)
Paige X. Cho (Bolster Group)
Patrick Daniel (Reeperbahn)
POOKIE (Artist)
Poppy Reid (The Brag Media)
Rhianna Patrick (Journalist)
Sasha Ponomareva (White Sky)
Scott Cohen (JKBX)
Seth Hubbard (Polyvinyl)
Seth Kallen (This Faction)
Sharlene Harris (Endeavour Group / ALH Hotels)
Silke Westera (FKP Scorpio)
Simon Franglen (Composer/Producer)
Simon Napier-Bell (Manager)
Simone Schinkel (Music Victoria)
Sophie Payten (Gordi) (Artist)
Sosefina Fuamoli (Journalist)
Stephen Green (SGC Media / The Music)
Steve Zapp (ITB)
Sue Ray (Artist)
Susan Cotchin (Good Neighbour)
Tim McCallum (Artist)
Tony Kiewel (Sub Pop)
Uncle Kev Starkey
Vanessa Palmer (Paramount)
Viv Mellish (Gyrostream)
Zac Abroms (Vice Royalty)
Ziggy Ramo (Artist)

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