Jerome Blazé – ‘Colour of the Water’

Sydney multi-instrumentalist Jerome Blazé opens up to us with a raw and emotional tale through the release of his brand new single ‘Colour of the Water’, a track which signifies his vocal debut amongst a lush and atmospheric soundscape.

Drawing echoes of LANKS and Bon Iver in its approach, ‘Colour of the Water’ is a multi-faceted delight with a significant amount of depth on offer both in the production and vocals. On the vocal front, Blazé intertwines his gentle and soothing melodies with the accompanying female vocals that produce those stunning harmonies that leave you with goosebumps. As the vocals rise in intensity throughout its duration, they are matched with the blend of raw and electronic instrumentation that evokes a sense of nature and openness that transports you to your own sense of tranquility.

‘There’s always this sort of creative re-evaluation period after you finish a project. After Open, A Home, singing felt like the next logical step towards being more free and genuine with my music. Colour of the Water is one of the first songs that came out of experimenting with my voice. It uses experience I had trekking over Lake Tekapo in New Zealand as a metaphor for seeing a relationship from a distance. The tides of two lakes represent two lovers – ‘We’re blue and green in a crescent hold’ . I ended up asking my friend Ivy-Jane Browne to sing the second verse, and song became a sort of duet.’ – Jerome Blazé 

Stream: Eyegaze
Jerome Blazé: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Soundcloud