warner case – ‘sing me a song’

NYC producer warner case is coming back to us this week with a great new track called ‘sing me a song’ which just might be one of the best songs you’ll hear this week. Big call you might say but I am confident in standing behind my words, and once that beat kicks in I reckon you’ll start to see where I’m coming from. 

And as warner case describes below this song comes with a very strong message about not being afraid to feel…

“Firstly, I’m a staunch believer that art’s meaning is in the eye of the beholder, not of the creator. That said, to me, this song is about my inner turmoil as a sensitive, emotional man in a society still dominated by toxic masculinity. I know, I know: “boo hoo, white male”, but the “man-up, ignore your feelings” expectations we men often face can be stifling and traumatising, with ugly and sometimes violent repercussions. Without going on a whole diatribe, I just hope everyone reading this feels confident in expressing themselves honestly and isn’t ashamed for being sensitive.

Feelings are awesome :)” – warner case 

Stream: Unity Records
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