CABIN FEVER with Oliver Tank

As the world goes deeper into self-isolation, it is important to keep the lines of communication open and continue to support each other as much as we possibly can.

Acid Stag has launched a new series titled “CABIN FEVER” where we ask artists from all over the world to give us some insight into how self-isolation has affected their creativity and mental health, and also ask what they have/will be doing to keep their sanity and creativity flowing through these difficult times. 

Today we’re touching base with Sydney’s Oliver Tank to see how he’s handling things.

What is your current situation; are you at home alone, with family, or friends?
Oliver: I’m just at home with my girlfriend. Honestly my life isn’t that different. I’ve settled into a good routine and I’m able to work from home for the most part. I’ll go into the studio once or twice a week which is nice. Its good to still be able to get out of the house.

Have you been dealing with any mental health issues as a result of this isolation?
Oliver: Early March when this thing was first going down and everything was closing I was feeling very anxious. I had to cancel my upcoming tour which was disappointing but the main thing that was worrying me was just the larger impact this was going to have on people. I was really worried about the wellbeing and mental health of society at large. I think that first week or 2 it was a real shock to everyone and you could just feel how tense and on edge everyone was. Now like most people I’ve gotten used to it.

What have you been doing to manage your mental state (e.g. meditation, yoga, writing music etc). 
Oliver: Working on plenty of new music which is nice. I try go for at least one long walk every day which I find really helpful. Other than that just trying to stay busy with music, chat to my friends on the phone and try to make the most of this situation.

Have you tried collaborating with other artists online, and if that is a yes, do you feel this has helped you feel less isolated & confined?
Oliver: I have in the past collaborated with artists online and it has worked well. Its a little tricky at times but such is life. I’m sending some ideas back and forth between a few artists at the moment. Its early stages right now but it’s still nice to be working towards a common goal with another artist. It hasn’t really made me feel less isolated though. 

Do you have any words of wisdom that you would like to share with fellow artists and your fans?
Oliver: Just that things are going to be ok and don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re struggling.

What is your “go-to” song right now?
Oliver: Ah so hard to pick just one. I’d probably say Door by Caroline Polachek. I just love the chorus so much. My go to song changes every few days though, theres just so much amazing music out in the world

Check out Oliver Tank‘s latest album ‘The Ocean Fades Into The Sky’ which is out now

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