Roosevelt – ‘Midnight Versions’ [Remix EP Stream]

Roosevelt is one of my faves and I always get super excited whenever I see his name pop up in my feeds.

His name did pop up this morning saying that the man has remixed a few of his own tracks – ‘Close’, ‘Night Moves’, ‘Colours’ & ‘Wait Up’ – and is giving them away for free via Bandcamp as part of an ep called ‘Midnight Versions’ – I think a little bit of wee just came out…

“With ‘Midnight Versions’ I wanted to show the dancefloor influence on the album, and turn the tracks into longer edits, with more time to breathe and evolve.” – Roosevelt

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1193500329 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=2ebd35 tracklist=false artwork=small]

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